#SiswaPintar | Latis Education




Want to study at home and be guided by quality teachers?Want to study with alumni of various prestig...

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Want to study at home and be guided by quality teachers?Want to study with alumni of various prestigious universities in Indonesia?Of course you can fulfill your dreams with the great tutors at Latis Education!Greetings Latis Friends!Latis Education is an SBMPTN Specialist Study Guidance Institution which is part of the Company PT. Latis Technology Indonesia.We provide a variety of excellent programs and golden opportunities to study with the best teachers which can be accessed directly in one application. Available for Kindergarten, Elementary, Middle School, High School, Language Programs, Koran and University Entrance Preparation.To support you to learn more, we provide several programs according to your needs.Latis SupercampBimbel UTBK SNBT and SIMAK UI Quarantine Program for 30 days 1 student 1 coach designed by a team of expert practitioners and academics. With experienced teachers from UI, ITB, UGM Alumni and a CBT (Computer Based Test) system similar to the UTBK SNBT and SIMAK UI 2023, we are ready to become the main support system to enable students to achieve their dreams of studying at PTN Impian.SBMPTN Intensive Private Lesson ProgramIntroducing our flagship program, Intensive SBMPTN Private Lessons, teachers come to the house. The Intensive Program consists of: UTBK/SBMPTN Preparation, SIMAK UI (See UI Parallel & KKI), UTUL UGM, IUP UGM, ITB Entrance Selection (SM ITB), Undip Independent Exam Selection (Undip UM), IPB Entrance Talent Test (UTM IPB) & IPB International Class) and various other Favorite PTN Independent Selection / Examinations.Private Lessons Masters of SIMAK UI - SIMAK UI Private Lessons Intensive ProgramThe SIMAK UI Guidance Program is in the form of Private Lessons to see UI teachers come to the house aimed at students who will take part in the University of Indonesia Entrance Selection for Regular Undergraduate, Parallel, Vocational, International Class (KKI UI), Masters, Doctoral, Professional and Specialist Programs.CPNS BimbelThis program will study the material tested in the Basic Ability Selection (SKD) such as the Basic Ability Test (TKD), National Insight Test (TWK), and Personality Characteristics Test (TKP). These programs are designed by a team of expert practitioners and academics. With experienced teachers from PTN and ASN Alumni as well as Practice Questions with the CAT (Computer Assisted Test) system, we are ready to become the main support system so that students can achieve their dreams of becoming ASNs.The Best Intensive Private AKPOL Bimbel ProgramIntensive Private Lessons for AKPOL teachers come to the house and online tutoring for AKPOL 1 teacher 1 student by Zoom. Just stay at home, let our teachers come to your house. With a premium package & proven to be effective, we are sure that you can achieve your dreams with this best program! The Intensive Program consists of: SKD (TIU, TWK, TKP)Online CPNS tutoringThe best CPNS guidance specialist comes with the CPNS tutoring program. Taught the easy way, practical and flexible learning and teaching, intensive Basic Competency Selection Test (SKD) guidance with the method of working on questions 3x faster with SECRET FORMULA which has been proven successful in helping CPNS selection applicants like you.Enjoy various Latis Supercamp programs- Latis Supercamp- Supercamp SBMPTN tutoring- Intensive SBMPTN Private Lessons- Intensive SIMAK UI Private Lessons- SBMPTN Online Bimbel- S2 SIMAK SIMAK UI tutoring- MEDICINE EDUCATION- CPNS BimbelExclusive Program- UI Entrance Guarantee tutoring- SBMPTN Quarantine- Online CPNS tutoring- Medical Quarantine Bimbel- STIS BIMBEL- STAN BIMBEL- Bimbel AKMIL- AKPOL Bimbel